As used in this part: (a) Mine means: (1) An area of land from which minerals are extracted in nonliquid form or, if in liquid form, are extracted with workers underground (2) private ways and roads appurtenant to such area, and (3) lands, excavations, underground passageways, shafts, slopes, tunnels and workings, structures, facilities, equipment, machines, tools, or …
100.3 Determination of penalty amount; regular assessment
(a) General. (1) Except as provided in §100.5(e), the operator of any mine in which a violation occurs of a mandatory health or safety standard or who violates any other provision of the Mine Act, as amended, shall be assessed a civil penalty of not more than $69,417. Each occurrence of a violation of a mandatory safety …
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56.18002 Examination of working places
(a) A competent person designated by the operator shall examine each working place at least once each shift for conditions which may adversely affect safety or health. The operator shall promptly initiate appropriate action to correct such conditions. (b) A record that such examinations were conducted shall be kept by the operator for a period …
56.11002 Handrails and toeboards
Crossovers, elevated walkways, elevated ramps, and stairways shall be of substantial construction provided with handrails, and maintained in good condition. Where necessary, toeboards shall be provided.
56.11001 Safe access
Safe means of access shall be provided and maintained to all working places
56.14107 Moving machine parts
(a) Moving machine parts shall be guarded to protect persons from contacting gears, sprockets, chains, drive, head, tail, and takeup pulleys, flywheels, couplings, shafts, fan blades, and similar moving parts that can cause injury. (b) Guards shall not be required where the exposed moving parts are at least seven feet away from walking or working …
56.14109 Unguarded conveyors with adjacent travelways
Unguarded conveyors next to the travelways shall be equipped with— (a) Emergency stop devices which are located so that a person falling on or against the conveyor can readily deactivate the conveyor drive motor; or (b) Railings which— (1) Are positioned to prevent persons from falling on or against the conveyor; (2) Will be able …
Continue reading “56.14109 Unguarded conveyors with adjacent travelways”
56.14201 Conveyor start-up warnings
(a) When the entire length of a conveyor is visible from the starting switch, the conveyor operator shall visually check to make certain that all persons are in the clear before starting the conveyor. (b) When the entire length of the conveyor is not visible from the starting switch, a system which provides visible or …
56.12006 Distribution boxes
Distribution boxes shall be provided with a disconnecting device for each branch circuit. Such disconnecting devices shall be equipped or designed in such a manner that it can be determined by visual observation when such a device is open and that the circuit is deenergized, the distribution box shall be labeled to show which circuit …
56.9101 Operating speeds and control of equipment
Operators of self-propelled mobile equipment shall maintain control of the equipment while it is in motion. Operating speeds shall be consistent with conditions of roadways, tracks, grades, clearance, visibility, and traffic, and the type of equipment used.