Second Edition Task Training


SKU: 00005 Category:

Task Training is available as a DVD for computers. This program is an effective compliance tool for MSHA Task Training requirements. It is also a great complement to the nationally recognized New Miner Training interactive computer-based training program. Task Training takes 8 hours to complete, but each module can be completed individually.

Modules include…

  • Plant Operator
  • Laborer
  • Mechanic
  • Welding
  • Maintenance
  • Loader Operator
  • Scraper Operator
  • Excavator Operator
  • Haul Truck Operator
  • Cranes and Man Lifts
  • Dozer Operator
  • Water Truck Operator
  • Motor Grader Operator
Training information includes…

  • Pre- and post-shift inspections
  • Safe work practices
  • Operating procedures
  • Potential hazards
  • Interactive exercises
  • Each module includes a randomly generated quiz
  • Extensive video and audio demonstration


Certificate of Completion

All modules are independent and a certificate showing the time spent can be printed for each module individually or one certificate can be printed showing the time spent on each of the ten modules.



The objective of this project is to improve safety and reduce accidents on the mine site through effective training. New employees can review the information in a manner that requires their participation and the results of the training are documented through the certificate of completion. For existing employees, the project presents a way to provide refresher training for jobs they may not have performed for some time. Each module includes extensive audio and video on:

  • Overview of the job
  • Safety
  • Pre-shift inspection
  • Proper Operation
  • Shut Down and Post Shift

A 10- question quiz randomly selected from a test bank is given at the end of each job task training section. If the user does not demonstrate an understanding of the material by passing the quiz, he or she must repeat the module on that specific job. Each job training module is independent of the others, allowing certificates of completion to be printed upon the successful completion of the quiz for that job. Certificates include the name of the user, a description of the training, and the time spent on the job task training module.
