The award-winning New Miner Training, 3rd edition, DVD is a must-have for your organization. This important training tool includes all the information you need on meeting Mining Health and Safety Administration requirements, with additional information on diesel particulate matter, wellness, silica, and first aid.
The user-friendly DVD allows you to work through the program, and you can stop when needed. You’ll find it easy to access again as a “returning user” to complete the training. If you need to retake a session, simply return to the beginning of the test section and start again.
Once you have successfully completed all the sections in the New Miner Training course, you will receive a certificate of completion, which displays the time spent on each module and total time spent in the program. Finally, print a full-size certificate for your records and a smaller size for your wallet.
Available in Spanish
This outstanding program is now available in Spanish as a DVD for computers. All on-screen graphics and audio are in Spanish. There is an “English” button on each screen that allows a supervisor or trainer to see the English version of the content showing on the screen. This is especially helpful if the trainee has a question about information showing on the screen. The Certificate of Completion is printed in English.
Third Edition
The Third Edition of the Part 46 New Miner Training Spanish Language Edition is available as a DVD.
Part 46 New Miner Training—Third Edition has been updated to include…
- New look and updated programming
- New audio and videos are 25% larger
- Updated information and additional topics
- Allows you to exit the program and return to the screen you left from
- The Certificate of Completion gives the total time spent in the program and the time spent on each module
- Optional wallet-size certificate
- The Certificate of Completion gives the total time spent in the program and the time spent on each module
System Requirements
- PC Compatible Pentium ™II 233MHz 24 MB of RAM
- 4X CD-ROM 800 x 600 screen resolution 16 bit color
- Soundcard w/speakers or headphones
- QuickTime™ Installer included in package
Protect Your Hands – Mechanic Safety On The Mine Site
Protect Your Hands - Mechanic Safety On The Mine Site By: The Mine Safety Institute, Task Training Hand Safety for Mechanics at Surface Mines Your Hands Are Your Livelihood, Take Care Of Them 40% of all mechanics’ injuries are to the hands. Protecting them is as important as it is easy to take them for granted. Hand injuries are not only common, but they stop you from being able to do your job. Mechanics at surface mines get thrown into a lot of varied situations. It’s important to keep the safety of your hands at the front of your mind. [...]
Man Lift Safety
Man Lift Safety By: The Mine Safety Institute, Part 46 New Miner Training Man Lift Safety For Surface Miners Man Lifts Not Drops Cherry pickers, aerial lifts, bucket lifts have a lot of aliases but the dangers in using them remain the same. The outcome of an accident with a man lift is generally death. Being so high in the air is obviously dangerous, but there are hidden variables involved in using a man lift which are what require attention in order to maximize safety. {{ vc_btn: title=Download+Companion+PDF+Handout&style=flat&shape=square&color=black&align=center&i_align=right&i_icon_fontawesome=fa+fa-file-pdf-o&add_icon=true&custom_onclick=true& }}{{ vc_btn: title=Browse+Our+Mine+Safety+Trainings&style=flat&shape=square&color=black&align=center&i_align=right&i_icon_fontawesome=fa+fa-shopping-cart&add_icon=true&custom_onclick=true& }}Man Lift Safety Tips FALLING Stay anchored with [...]
U.S. Mining Fatalities in 2018 Were Second Lowest on Record
The Mine Safety Health Administration (MSHA) reports there are close to 250,000 miners work in 12,000 metal/nonmetal mines, and 83,000 miners work in 1,200 across the United States. In these operations, 27 fatalities occurred in 2018 - the second lowest number ever recorded. 18 fatalities occurred at surface operations, 9 fatalities took place at underground mines. See the report here: 13 deaths or 48% of the 2018 fatalities were caused by powered haulage. Learn more about MSHA's Powered Haulage Safety Initiative here:
Stay Healthy During The Holidays
Mine Safety During The Holidays By: The Mine Safety Institute, Part 46 New Miner Training Mining During The Holidays For Surface Miners Mining during the parties, ‘er holidays Family, togetherness, joy........ late nights, eggnog with rum, added emotional stress.... The holidays are a wonderful, and challenging, time. The thing is, no matter the season, you still need to be your most alert because accidents happen when we are distracted, tired or even just impatient for a shift to end. We know that you know all of this. However, this is the season when we all could use a reminder about [...]
Mining In The Snow
Mine Safety In The Snow By: The Mine Safety Institute, Part 46 New Miner Training Mine Safety In The Snow Video Sample Mining In The Snow For Surface Miners The winter brings snow and with snow comes more than cold, but also new hazards to otherwise familiar places. Walkways that you might move along every day are now slippery, possibly slippery in the afternoon when they weren’t in the morning! Also, snow hides ground hazards that would normall be visible. Checking walkways for tripping hazards as well as immediately cleaning up after a task becomes increasingly more important when snow [...]
Workplace Exam Standards Update
By: The Mine Safety Institute, Part 46 New Miner Training Part 46 On-Demand Training, Video Sample of Workplace Examination Requirements Workplace Examination Standards New Workplace Exam Standards On Oct. 1, 2018, MSHA began actively enforcing the new Workplace Examinations Rule requirements that technically went into effect on June 2. The biggest changes to the standard are that the examination must be done in a work area before work is performed there, affected miners must be notified of any hazards found and the examination record must be created during the same shift as the hazard was identified. Also, there are now [...]
Hypothermia Prevention / Cold Weather 101
Avoid Hypothermia At Your Mine Site By: The Mine Safety Institute, Part 46 New Miner Training Cold Weather Safety Video Sample Cold Weather 101 For Surface Miners Hypothermia, as well as frost bite, are potential health risks of mining in cold environments due to prolonged exposure to cold conditions. Hypothermia is a condition where one’s overall body temperature, one’s ability to produce heat versus retain it, drops too low.What causes someone to become hypothermic varies based on age, body mass, fat percentage, overall health and duration of exposure {{ vc_btn: title=Download+Companion+PDF+Handout&style=flat&shape=square&color=black&align=center&i_align=right&i_icon_fontawesome=fa+fa-file-pdf-o&add_icon=true&custom_onclick=true&link=url%3A%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2018%252F11%252Fhypothermia_blogs.pdf%7C%7Ctarget%3A%2520_blank%7C&custom_onclick_code=ga%28%27send%27%2C%27event%27%2C%27Download%27%2C%27PDF%27%2C+this.href%29%3B }}{{ vc_btn: title=Buy+Complete+Part+46+New+Miner+Training&style=flat&shape=square&color=black&align=center&i_align=right&i_icon_fontawesome=fa+fa-shopping-cart&add_icon=true& }}Prevention Strategies STAY WARM Wear multiple [...]
Lock Out, Tag Out, Try Out Procedures
By: The Mine Safety Institute, Part 46 New Miner Training Part 46 On-Demand Training, Video Sample of Lock Out, Tag Out, Try Out Procedures Lock Out, Tag Out, Try Out Procedures Hazardous Energy Is Deadly Performing maintenance on machinery can be very dangerous. People need to know that maintenance is being performed so that machinery isn’t turned on while the mechanic is working on the machine and so that no electrical current is traveling through the machine. Properly communicating that equipment is being serviced and putting safety measures in place to ensure that equipment isn’t turned back on until service [...]
Seat Belt Safety For Surface Miners
Seat Belts Required By: The Mine Safety Institute, Part 46 New Miner Training Part 46 On-Demand Training, Video Sample of Seat Belt Safety Seat Belt Safety Seat Belt Safety For Surface Miners One of the biggest dangers in mining is complacency. One of the common symptoms of complacency is failing to buckle one’s seat belt. Surface mines involve driving heavy machinery across steep and constantly changing, active terrain. MSHA Inspectors carefully observe seatbelt use at mine sites - failure to wear a seatbelt is a citable offense! {{ vc_btn: title=Download+Companion+PDF+Handout&style=flat&shape=square&color=black&align=center&i_align=right&i_icon_fontawesome=fa+fa-file-pdf-o&add_icon=true&custom_onclick=true&link=url%3A%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2018%252F11%252FMS_Blog_Seatbeltv2.pdf%7C%7Ctarget%3A%2520_blank%7C&custom_onclick_code=ga%28%27send%27%2C%27event%27%2C%27Download%27%2C%27PDF%27%2C+this.href%29%3B }}{{ vc_btn: title=Buy+Complete+Part+46+New+Miner+Training&style=flat&shape=square&color=black&align=center&i_align=right&i_icon_fontawesome=fa+fa-shopping-cart&add_icon=true& }}Seat Belt Safety STRAPS Straps should fit [...]
Heat Exhaustion 101 For Surface Miners
Avoid Heat Exhaustion At Your Mine Site By: The Mine Safety Institute, Part 46 New Miner Training Miner Safety In Extreme Heat Heat Exhaustion 101 For Surface Miners Heat exhaustion is a hazard of extreme heat in mining environments. When a miner does not maintain proper hydration and body temperature, they will begin to display symptoms of mild to severe heat exhaustion and heat stroke. The good news is that heat exhaustion is preventable! Below are tips for staying healthy while working in mines during extreme heat. As always, these are general suggestions, and you should always follow the rules [...]
The Millennial Miner: A reality or delusion?
The Millennial Miner: A reality or delusion By: Tom Woerdeman, Safety Director, Transit Mix Concrete Mining and Employee Recruitment With a new generation now entering and moving up in the ranks of industries, mine operators need to consider their stance on the white elephant in the room; recruitment. Many industries including mining are struggling to recruit and retain young workers in their operations. Is this the fault of the industry or the societal view/ understanding on mining? In either case, the mining industry must find ways to increase outreach and recruitment of young workers for the survival of our industry. […]
Mining at Night: For Surface Miners
Mining at Night: For Surface Miners By: The Mine Safety Institute, Part 46 New Miner Training It's Dark at Night That may seem obvious, but it’s an important point to remember. Mining at night means you are mining in the dark with artificial lights that create the need for your eyes to constantly adjust to changing light conditions. This will create regular delays in your reaction time to hazards. More Equipment More Problems Large light banks mean more equipment to be aware of and work around as well as more sources of electricity to control. {{ vc_btn: title=Download+Companion+PDF+Handout&style=flat&shape=square&color=black&align=center&i_align=right&i_icon_fontawesome=fa+fa-file-pdf-o&add_icon=true&custom_onclick=true&link=url%3A%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2020%252F04%252FNight-Mining.pdf%7C%7Ctarget%3A%2520_blank%7C&custom_onclick_code=ga%28%27send%27%2C%27event%27%2C%27Download%27%2C%27Mining-Holidays-Download%27%2C+this.href%29%3B }}{{ vc_btn: [...]
Lifting & Carrying: For Surface Miners
Lifting & Carrying: For Surface Miners By: The Mine Safety Institute, Part 46 New Miner Training & Annual Refresher Training Physical Injuries Caused Due To Lifting And Carrying Large / Heavy Objects Are Preventable There is no end to the large and heavy things that need to be lifted and carried around the mine site. Asking for help when needed, using proper techniques and making sure that the walkway is clear are essential to preventing injury. It is important to remember that it only takes doing something unsafely one time to cause serious injury. Every time you pick some-thing up [...]
Fall Protection
Fall Protection By: The Mine Safety Institute, Part 46 New Miner Training & Annual Refresher Training A Small Fall Is A BIG Deal No height is exempt from warranting fall protection. On the mine site, even a small fall can lead to serious injury and big falls often mean death. Using correctly fitting fall protection every time it’s needed is very important. Any time work must be done where there’s a risk of falling and no guard rails are provided, fall protection must be worn. While OSHA and MSHA have conflicting rules on this, the bottom line is that no [...]
Women & PPE
Women & PPE By: The Mine Safety Institute, Part 46 New Miner Training Women & PPE For Surface Miners One Size PPE Does NOT Fit All. Women are a steadily increasing demographic in the mining industry. Often times women are given smaller men’s sizes, but PPE requires a very precise fit to work properly and men and women have very differently shaped bodies. Improper fitting PPE can both fail to protect from existing hazards as well as create new hazards for the wearer. The costs to employers for paying for those accidents far outweighs the cost of purchasing PPE made [...]
Water Truck Safety – For Surface Mines
By: The Mine Safety Institute, Task Training Water Trucks Reduce Dust But Can Also Create Mud And Puddles. Water trucks are trucks equipped with a water tank and a sprinkling attachment designed to settle dust on the mine site. Water trucks carry huge weight, many with a capacity of 11,000 gallons, in order to haul water efficiently around the mine site. Make sure the weight of the water does not exceed the capacity of the truck. While operating a water truck seems easy enough, it’s important to have situational awareness so that water trucks don’t go from reducing airborne hazards [...]
Welding & Fire Hazards
Welding & Fire Safety - At Surface Mines By: The Mine Safety Institute, Task Training Special Safety Precautions To Prevent Fires Caused By Welding Welding Is, In Essence, Fabricating Metal Structures With Fire. Making sure those sparks go only where you intended is not possible, so preventing stray sparks and slag from igniting you and your surroundings is imperative. Fire hazards created by welding exist both during and after welding. From how acetylene is stored to how you clean off your clothing and PPE after welding, there is still the potential for ignition, combustion and explosion. {{ vc_btn: title=Download+Companion+PDF+Handout&style=flat&shape=square&color=black&align=center&i_align=right&i_icon_fontawesome=fa+fa-file-pdf-o&add_icon=true&custom_onclick=true&link=url%3A%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2019%252F05%252Fwelding-fire-hazards.pdf%7C%7Ctarget%3A%2520_blank%7C&custom_onclick_code=ga%28%27send%27%2C%27event%27%2C%27Download%27%2C%27Mining-Holidays-Download%27%2C+this.href%29%3B }}{{ [...]
Safely Repairing Large, Mobile Equipment
Keeping A Safe Vehicle Cab - For Surface Mine Heavy Machinery Operators By: The Mine Safety Institute, Task Training Special Safety Precautions When Repairing Large, Mobile Equipment The bigger they are the more dangers they create. There are many more safety considerations to keep aware of when servicing large, mobile equipment. From arms and buckets that need to be lowered and secured, to above ground repairs that create a fall risk. Even the tires, due to their enormity, can be a danger to everyone nearby if they blow. or have a sudden loss of air pressure. Below are just a [...]
Keeping A Safe Vehicle Cab
Keeping A Safe Vehicle Cab - For Surface Mine Heavy Machinery Operators By: The Mine Safety Institute, Task Training Vehicle Cab Safety For Heavy Machinery Operators At Surface Mines Cab Maintenance = Cab Safety Keeping a clean cab in good repair isn’t just politeness between vehicle operators of the same vehicles, it also is a matter of safety. Garbage and loose items create distraction, and distraction is the birthplace of accidents injuring those inside and outside of the vehicle. Additionally, maintenance of restraint systems and entry points to the cab keep vehicle operators at greater safety from physical and environmental [...]
Protect Your Hands – Mechanic Safety On The Mine Site
Protect Your Hands - Mechanic Safety On The Mine Site By: The Mine Safety Institute, Task Training Hand Safety for Mechanics at Surface Mines Your Hands Are Your Livelihood, Take Care Of Them 40% of all mechanics’ injuries are to the hands. Protecting them is as important as it is easy to take them for granted. Hand injuries are not only common, but they stop you from being able to do your job. Mechanics at surface mines get thrown into a lot of varied situations. It’s important to keep the safety of your hands at the front of your mind. [...]
Man Lift Safety
Man Lift Safety By: The Mine Safety Institute, Part 46 New Miner Training Man Lift Safety For Surface Miners Man Lifts Not Drops Cherry pickers, aerial lifts, bucket lifts have a lot of aliases but the dangers in using them remain the same. The outcome of an accident with a man lift is generally death. Being so high in the air is obviously dangerous, but there are hidden variables involved in using a man lift which are what require attention in order to maximize safety. {{ vc_btn: title=Download+Companion+PDF+Handout&style=flat&shape=square&color=black&align=center&i_align=right&i_icon_fontawesome=fa+fa-file-pdf-o&add_icon=true&custom_onclick=true& }}{{ vc_btn: title=Browse+Our+Mine+Safety+Trainings&style=flat&shape=square&color=black&align=center&i_align=right&i_icon_fontawesome=fa+fa-shopping-cart&add_icon=true&custom_onclick=true& }}Man Lift Safety Tips FALLING Stay anchored with [...]
U.S. Mining Fatalities in 2018 Were Second Lowest on Record
The Mine Safety Health Administration (MSHA) reports there are close to 250,000 miners work in 12,000 metal/nonmetal mines, and 83,000 miners work in 1,200 across the United States. In these operations, 27 fatalities occurred in 2018 - the second lowest number ever recorded. 18 fatalities occurred at surface operations, 9 fatalities took place at underground mines. See the report here: 13 deaths or 48% of the 2018 fatalities were caused by powered haulage. Learn more about MSHA's Powered Haulage Safety Initiative here:
Stay Healthy During The Holidays
Mine Safety During The Holidays By: The Mine Safety Institute, Part 46 New Miner Training Mining During The Holidays For Surface Miners Mining during the parties, ‘er holidays Family, togetherness, joy........ late nights, eggnog with rum, added emotional stress.... The holidays are a wonderful, and challenging, time. The thing is, no matter the season, you still need to be your most alert because accidents happen when we are distracted, tired or even just impatient for a shift to end. We know that you know all of this. However, this is the season when we all could use a reminder about [...]
Mining In The Snow
Mine Safety In The Snow By: The Mine Safety Institute, Part 46 New Miner Training Mine Safety In The Snow Video Sample Mining In The Snow For Surface Miners The winter brings snow and with snow comes more than cold, but also new hazards to otherwise familiar places. Walkways that you might move along every day are now slippery, possibly slippery in the afternoon when they weren’t in the morning! Also, snow hides ground hazards that would normall be visible. Checking walkways for tripping hazards as well as immediately cleaning up after a task becomes increasingly more important when snow [...]
Workplace Exam Standards Update
By: The Mine Safety Institute, Part 46 New Miner Training Part 46 On-Demand Training, Video Sample of Workplace Examination Requirements Workplace Examination Standards New Workplace Exam Standards On Oct. 1, 2018, MSHA began actively enforcing the new Workplace Examinations Rule requirements that technically went into effect on June 2. The biggest changes to the standard are that the examination must be done in a work area before work is performed there, affected miners must be notified of any hazards found and the examination record must be created during the same shift as the hazard was identified. Also, there are now [...]
Hypothermia Prevention / Cold Weather 101
Avoid Hypothermia At Your Mine Site By: The Mine Safety Institute, Part 46 New Miner Training Cold Weather Safety Video Sample Cold Weather 101 For Surface Miners Hypothermia, as well as frost bite, are potential health risks of mining in cold environments due to prolonged exposure to cold conditions. Hypothermia is a condition where one’s overall body temperature, one’s ability to produce heat versus retain it, drops too low.What causes someone to become hypothermic varies based on age, body mass, fat percentage, overall health and duration of exposure {{ vc_btn: title=Download+Companion+PDF+Handout&style=flat&shape=square&color=black&align=center&i_align=right&i_icon_fontawesome=fa+fa-file-pdf-o&add_icon=true&custom_onclick=true&link=url%3A%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2018%252F11%252Fhypothermia_blogs.pdf%7C%7Ctarget%3A%2520_blank%7C&custom_onclick_code=ga%28%27send%27%2C%27event%27%2C%27Download%27%2C%27PDF%27%2C+this.href%29%3B }}{{ vc_btn: title=Buy+Complete+Part+46+New+Miner+Training&style=flat&shape=square&color=black&align=center&i_align=right&i_icon_fontawesome=fa+fa-shopping-cart&add_icon=true& }}Prevention Strategies STAY WARM Wear multiple [...]
Lock Out, Tag Out, Try Out Procedures
By: The Mine Safety Institute, Part 46 New Miner Training Part 46 On-Demand Training, Video Sample of Lock Out, Tag Out, Try Out Procedures Lock Out, Tag Out, Try Out Procedures Hazardous Energy Is Deadly Performing maintenance on machinery can be very dangerous. People need to know that maintenance is being performed so that machinery isn’t turned on while the mechanic is working on the machine and so that no electrical current is traveling through the machine. Properly communicating that equipment is being serviced and putting safety measures in place to ensure that equipment isn’t turned back on until service [...]
Seat Belt Safety For Surface Miners
Seat Belts Required By: The Mine Safety Institute, Part 46 New Miner Training Part 46 On-Demand Training, Video Sample of Seat Belt Safety Seat Belt Safety Seat Belt Safety For Surface Miners One of the biggest dangers in mining is complacency. One of the common symptoms of complacency is failing to buckle one’s seat belt. Surface mines involve driving heavy machinery across steep and constantly changing, active terrain. MSHA Inspectors carefully observe seatbelt use at mine sites - failure to wear a seatbelt is a citable offense! {{ vc_btn: title=Download+Companion+PDF+Handout&style=flat&shape=square&color=black&align=center&i_align=right&i_icon_fontawesome=fa+fa-file-pdf-o&add_icon=true&custom_onclick=true&link=url%3A%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2018%252F11%252FMS_Blog_Seatbeltv2.pdf%7C%7Ctarget%3A%2520_blank%7C&custom_onclick_code=ga%28%27send%27%2C%27event%27%2C%27Download%27%2C%27PDF%27%2C+this.href%29%3B }}{{ vc_btn: title=Buy+Complete+Part+46+New+Miner+Training&style=flat&shape=square&color=black&align=center&i_align=right&i_icon_fontawesome=fa+fa-shopping-cart&add_icon=true& }}Seat Belt Safety STRAPS Straps should fit [...]
Heat Exhaustion 101 For Surface Miners
Avoid Heat Exhaustion At Your Mine Site By: The Mine Safety Institute, Part 46 New Miner Training Miner Safety In Extreme Heat Heat Exhaustion 101 For Surface Miners Heat exhaustion is a hazard of extreme heat in mining environments. When a miner does not maintain proper hydration and body temperature, they will begin to display symptoms of mild to severe heat exhaustion and heat stroke. The good news is that heat exhaustion is preventable! Below are tips for staying healthy while working in mines during extreme heat. As always, these are general suggestions, and you should always follow the rules [...]
The Millennial Miner: A reality or delusion?
The Millennial Miner: A reality or delusion By: Tom Woerdeman, Safety Director, Transit Mix Concrete Mining and Employee Recruitment With a new generation now entering and moving up in the ranks of industries, mine operators need to consider their stance on the white elephant in the room; recruitment. Many industries including mining are struggling to recruit and retain young workers in their operations. Is this the fault of the industry or the societal view/ understanding on mining? In either case, the mining industry must find ways to increase outreach and recruitment of young workers for the survival of our industry. […]
Mining at Night: For Surface Miners
Mining at Night: For Surface Miners By: The Mine Safety Institute, Part 46 New Miner Training It's Dark at Night That may seem obvious, but it’s an important point to remember. Mining at night means you are mining in the dark with artificial lights that create the need for your eyes to constantly adjust to changing light conditions. This will create regular delays in your reaction time to hazards. More Equipment More Problems Large light banks mean more equipment to be aware of and work around as well as more sources of electricity to control. {{ vc_btn: title=Download+Companion+PDF+Handout&style=flat&shape=square&color=black&align=center&i_align=right&i_icon_fontawesome=fa+fa-file-pdf-o&add_icon=true&custom_onclick=true&link=url%3A%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2020%252F04%252FNight-Mining.pdf%7C%7Ctarget%3A%2520_blank%7C&custom_onclick_code=ga%28%27send%27%2C%27event%27%2C%27Download%27%2C%27Mining-Holidays-Download%27%2C+this.href%29%3B }}{{ vc_btn: [...]
Lifting & Carrying: For Surface Miners
Lifting & Carrying: For Surface Miners By: The Mine Safety Institute, Part 46 New Miner Training & Annual Refresher Training Physical Injuries Caused Due To Lifting And Carrying Large / Heavy Objects Are Preventable There is no end to the large and heavy things that need to be lifted and carried around the mine site. Asking for help when needed, using proper techniques and making sure that the walkway is clear are essential to preventing injury. It is important to remember that it only takes doing something unsafely one time to cause serious injury. Every time you pick some-thing up [...]
Fall Protection
Fall Protection By: The Mine Safety Institute, Part 46 New Miner Training & Annual Refresher Training A Small Fall Is A BIG Deal No height is exempt from warranting fall protection. On the mine site, even a small fall can lead to serious injury and big falls often mean death. Using correctly fitting fall protection every time it’s needed is very important. Any time work must be done where there’s a risk of falling and no guard rails are provided, fall protection must be worn. While OSHA and MSHA have conflicting rules on this, the bottom line is that no [...]
Women & PPE
Women & PPE By: The Mine Safety Institute, Part 46 New Miner Training Women & PPE For Surface Miners One Size PPE Does NOT Fit All. Women are a steadily increasing demographic in the mining industry. Often times women are given smaller men’s sizes, but PPE requires a very precise fit to work properly and men and women have very differently shaped bodies. Improper fitting PPE can both fail to protect from existing hazards as well as create new hazards for the wearer. The costs to employers for paying for those accidents far outweighs the cost of purchasing PPE made [...]
Water Truck Safety – For Surface Mines
By: The Mine Safety Institute, Task Training Water Trucks Reduce Dust But Can Also Create Mud And Puddles. Water trucks are trucks equipped with a water tank and a sprinkling attachment designed to settle dust on the mine site. Water trucks carry huge weight, many with a capacity of 11,000 gallons, in order to haul water efficiently around the mine site. Make sure the weight of the water does not exceed the capacity of the truck. While operating a water truck seems easy enough, it’s important to have situational awareness so that water trucks don’t go from reducing airborne hazards [...]
Welding & Fire Hazards
Welding & Fire Safety - At Surface Mines By: The Mine Safety Institute, Task Training Special Safety Precautions To Prevent Fires Caused By Welding Welding Is, In Essence, Fabricating Metal Structures With Fire. Making sure those sparks go only where you intended is not possible, so preventing stray sparks and slag from igniting you and your surroundings is imperative. Fire hazards created by welding exist both during and after welding. From how acetylene is stored to how you clean off your clothing and PPE after welding, there is still the potential for ignition, combustion and explosion. {{ vc_btn: title=Download+Companion+PDF+Handout&style=flat&shape=square&color=black&align=center&i_align=right&i_icon_fontawesome=fa+fa-file-pdf-o&add_icon=true&custom_onclick=true&link=url%3A%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2019%252F05%252Fwelding-fire-hazards.pdf%7C%7Ctarget%3A%2520_blank%7C&custom_onclick_code=ga%28%27send%27%2C%27event%27%2C%27Download%27%2C%27Mining-Holidays-Download%27%2C+this.href%29%3B }}{{ [...]
Safely Repairing Large, Mobile Equipment
Keeping A Safe Vehicle Cab - For Surface Mine Heavy Machinery Operators By: The Mine Safety Institute, Task Training Special Safety Precautions When Repairing Large, Mobile Equipment The bigger they are the more dangers they create. There are many more safety considerations to keep aware of when servicing large, mobile equipment. From arms and buckets that need to be lowered and secured, to above ground repairs that create a fall risk. Even the tires, due to their enormity, can be a danger to everyone nearby if they blow. or have a sudden loss of air pressure. Below are just a [...]
Keeping A Safe Vehicle Cab
Keeping A Safe Vehicle Cab - For Surface Mine Heavy Machinery Operators By: The Mine Safety Institute, Task Training Vehicle Cab Safety For Heavy Machinery Operators At Surface Mines Cab Maintenance = Cab Safety Keeping a clean cab in good repair isn’t just politeness between vehicle operators of the same vehicles, it also is a matter of safety. Garbage and loose items create distraction, and distraction is the birthplace of accidents injuring those inside and outside of the vehicle. Additionally, maintenance of restraint systems and entry points to the cab keep vehicle operators at greater safety from physical and environmental [...]
Protect Your Hands – Mechanic Safety On The Mine Site
Protect Your Hands - Mechanic Safety On The Mine Site By: The Mine Safety Institute, Task Training Hand Safety for Mechanics at Surface Mines Your Hands Are Your Livelihood, Take Care Of Them 40% of all mechanics’ injuries are to the hands. Protecting them is as important as it is easy to take them for granted. Hand injuries are not only common, but they stop you from being able to do your job. Mechanics at surface mines get thrown into a lot of varied situations. It’s important to keep the safety of your hands at the front of your mind. [...]
Man Lift Safety
Man Lift Safety By: The Mine Safety Institute, Part 46 New Miner Training Man Lift Safety For Surface Miners Man Lifts Not Drops Cherry pickers, aerial lifts, bucket lifts have a lot of aliases but the dangers in using them remain the same. The outcome of an accident with a man lift is generally death. Being so high in the air is obviously dangerous, but there are hidden variables involved in using a man lift which are what require attention in order to maximize safety. {{ vc_btn: title=Download+Companion+PDF+Handout&style=flat&shape=square&color=black&align=center&i_align=right&i_icon_fontawesome=fa+fa-file-pdf-o&add_icon=true&custom_onclick=true& }}{{ vc_btn: title=Browse+Our+Mine+Safety+Trainings&style=flat&shape=square&color=black&align=center&i_align=right&i_icon_fontawesome=fa+fa-shopping-cart&add_icon=true&custom_onclick=true& }}Man Lift Safety Tips FALLING Stay anchored with [...]
U.S. Mining Fatalities in 2018 Were Second Lowest on Record
The Mine Safety Health Administration (MSHA) reports there are close to 250,000 miners work in 12,000 metal/nonmetal mines, and 83,000 miners work in 1,200 across the United States. In these operations, 27 fatalities occurred in 2018 - the second lowest number ever recorded. 18 fatalities occurred at surface operations, 9 fatalities took place at underground mines. See the report here: 13 deaths or 48% of the 2018 fatalities were caused by powered haulage. Learn more about MSHA's Powered Haulage Safety Initiative here:
Stay Healthy During The Holidays
Mine Safety During The Holidays By: The Mine Safety Institute, Part 46 New Miner Training Mining During The Holidays For Surface Miners Mining during the parties, ‘er holidays Family, togetherness, joy........ late nights, eggnog with rum, added emotional stress.... The holidays are a wonderful, and challenging, time. The thing is, no matter the season, you still need to be your most alert because accidents happen when we are distracted, tired or even just impatient for a shift to end. We know that you know all of this. However, this is the season when we all could use a reminder about [...]