MSHA Part 46 Training DVD (5th Edition)


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The award-winning New Miner Training, 5th edition, program is a must-have for your organization. This important training tool includes all the information you need on meeting Mining Health and Safety Administration requirements, with additional information on diesel particulate matter, wellness, silica, and first aid.

The DVD allows you to work through the program, and you can stop when needed. You’ll find it easy to access again as a “returning user” to complete the training. If you need to retake a session, simply return to the beginning of the test section and start again.

Once you have successfully completed all the sections in the New Miner Training course, you will receive a certificate of completion, which displays the time spent on each module and total time spent in the program. Finally, print a full-size certificate for your records and a smaller size for your wallet.

Fifth Edition Updates

The Fifth Edition of the Part 46 New Miner Training is now available in DVD format.

Part 46 New Miner Training—Fifth Edition has been includes…

  1. New look and updated programming
  2. New audio and videos are 25% larger
  3. Updated information and additional topics (including GHS!)
  4. Allows you to exit the program and return to the screen you left from
  5. The Certificate of Completion gives the total time spent in the program and the time spent on each module
  6. Optional wallet-size certificate
  7. The Certificate of Completion gives the total time spent in the program and the time spent on each module
  8. The exact wording of each MSHA Standard

System Requirements

  1. PC Compatible Pentium ™II 233MHz 24 MB of RAM
  2. 4X CD-ROM 800 x 600 screen resolution 16 bit color
  3. Soundcard w/speakers or headphones
  4. QuickTime™ Installer included in package
  5. DVD Drive

Frequently Asked Question

Will this product satisfy all of MSHA's New Miner Training Requirements?

This product is intended to be utilized for at least the first 4 hours of the 24 hours of training required by the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) Mine Safety and Health Administration’s (MSHA) regulations.  However, MSHA requires training that is specific to each mine site that this program cannot address.  In addition to this training, operators must train employees on all required topics required by 30 C.F.R. §46.5(b) and 30 C.F.R. §46.5(c).

Each person at a mine site is responsible for ensuring that health and safety standards are observed at all times. The employer is accountable for providing information, instruction, and supervision to all workers. A competent person(s) is obligated to ensure all workers are properly trained and are compliant with regulations. Mine employees are responsible for observing all standards and practicing safe work habits.

Your company must have a training plan that lists this training, is administered by a competent person, and complies with 30 C.F.R. §46.3. In addition, you must complete a training certificate or an MSHA form 5000-23 which meets the requirements of 30 C.F.R. §46.9.

How long will this training take?

The New Miner Training will take four hours at minimum, although the length of time it takes each participant to complete the training will vary.

What topics are covered in this training?

MSHA CFR §46.5 Required Training Corresponding Training Module
Introduction to the work environment Module 1: Introduction

Module 2: Mining Environments

Recognition and avoidance of electrical and other hazards Module 3: Hazards
Emergency medical procedures; escape and emergency evacuation; fire warning signals and firefighting procedures Module 4: Evacuation Procedures

Module 4: Firefighting Procedures

Health and safety aspects of the tasks to be assigned Module 5: Task Training

Module 6: HazCom & GHS

Statutory rights of miners and their representatives Module 7: Statutory Rights
Authority and responsibilities of supervisors and miners’ representatives Module 8: Line of Authority


Rules & procedures for hazard reporting Module 9: Rules & Procedures
Respiratory devices Module 10: Respiratory Devices
First Aid Module 11: First Aid

Will I receive a completion log?

Yes. Once you complete the training you will receive a printable Training Log which tracks the total time spent in the program and the time spent on each module.

How do I hold a group training session?

  1. After purchasing a group license, login with your email address at
  2. Once logged in click on “Group Leader” in the top navigation menu.
  3. Enroll new users by entering the first name, last name and email address of the attendees or import a CSV file (see the format in the sample csv file).
  4. Once you have entered all the users, click “Add All Users” to add these users to training session.
  1. Click on the “Enroll” button to start the training session. Note – this will reset any pending trainings. So, be sure to mark pending users as complete BEFORE using this button. Also, do not click this button midway through a class/course. If you plan to train attendees separately please have them login using their individual email addresses.
  2. Click the “Start Training” button to go to the Course Dashboard and start the course.
  3. Once the course is complete, visit the “Group Leader” page again and click the “Mark Course Complete” link next to each of the attendees’ names.
  4. Click the “Training log” link next to each attendees name to print their Training log.

Additional questions?

Read more of your Frequently Asked Questions.
