11 06 Medical Emergencies - Heart Attack

3 assets in this module.

11.7.4 – First Aid – Recognizing & Reacting to Emergency Situations

Photography Issues :

need larger original or stock image replacement

Photography Comments :

Newer ambulance maybe

Textual Content Issues :

bullets seem incomplete compared to voice over, Condense bullets across multiple slides

Overview Text :


Bullet Points :

  • American Red Cross Signals of a heart attack:
    Persistent chest pain or discomfort
    Pain in either arm
    Discomfort, pain or pressure that spreads to the shoulder, arm, neck or jaw
    Nausea or shortness of breath

Screen Captures :

11.7.5 – First Aid – Recognizing & Reacting to Emergency Situations

Photography Issues :

need larger original or stock image replacement

Textual Content Issues :

bullets seem incomplete compared to voice over, Condense bullets across multiple slides

Overview Text :


Bullet Points :

  • A heart attach victim may not have ALL of the symptoms, but some or a few should alert you to a possible heart attack.
    Victims may pass off symptoms as indigestion--- profuse sweating is often a signal that something is really wrong!
    Consider possible heart attack when there is:
    Chest pain
    Sudden sweating
    Trouble breathing
    Irritable or anxious

Screen Captures :

11.7.6 – First Aid – Recognizing & Reacting to Emergency Situations

Photography Issues :

need larger original or stock image replacement

Photography Comments :

Infographic can aslo work here to communicate the voice over information more thoroughly

Textual Content Issues :

bullets seem incomplete compared to voice over, Condense bullets across multiple slides

Textual Content Comments :

Infographic can aslo work here to communicate the voice over information more thoroughly

Overview Text :


Bullet Points :

  • Respond to a possible heart attack:
    Call 911 or your emergency number
    Be calm
    Make the person comfortable
    Keep the person from getting chilled

  • If a person experiencing a heart-attack stops breathing:
    Perform CPR - if you are not trained, find a person on shift who is

Screen Captures :